Our company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environment management system and PCCC certification. Our products meet China's national standards and IEC standards. We have got the approval of the National Transformer Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. We have won honored certificates like Jiangsu High and New Technology Enterprise and Jiangsu Quality Believable Products. Every transformer undergoes a series of tests throughout the manufacturing process, right from the raw material stage to the final stage. All routine tests are carried out at our works as per China's national standards and other International Specifications. Type tests for impulse withstand short Circuit strength etc have been conducted on representative ratings and voltage classes, at approved national test houses. The ISO certificate has also been revalidated recently. In addition, we company always pay more attention to strengthening and improving the quality awareness of our staff, through carrying out regular personnel management and professional skills training, to guarantee management and operational capability to penetrate into every aspect of the sense of quality.